Good Bye 2013 – 2014 will be better

Afternoon Kids As 2013 comes to a close I wanted to stop in and share a few thoughts with you. 2013 has been filled with a lot of ups and downs and a few surprises. We have shared in a lot of surprises and gotten together to grieve losses that we had no clue wouldContinue reading “Good Bye 2013 – 2014 will be better”

Defying Gravity Again

Doing NaBloPoMo month has made me go back and look at some of the original piece that I have published. The following piece I originally published in April of this year and decided it was time to put it out. Why you ask….all of us talking part in the challenge are learning to fly. AlmostContinue reading “Defying Gravity Again”

Menopause: Today I feel like a Human Failure

Turning 50 this year also brought the prospects of Menopause or perimenopause starting. I know it’s just life’s cycle taking place and all. They say its liberating and everything should be great, but today. I feel like a life’s failure. Nothing is working and I really just want to go back to bed. There areContinue reading “Menopause: Today I feel like a Human Failure”

Another 6 Kilometers Done and Dusted

Another year and another 6 kilometer Adelaide City to Bay is in the record books. In May of this year when I suffered the collapsed lung, I really wondered if I would make the race this year. It was the one goal I wanted more than anything. I spent 6 very frustrated weeks, recuperating andContinue reading “Another 6 Kilometers Done and Dusted”

Reclaiming 6 kilometers

This is a catch up blog on the yearly Adelaide City to Bay that is taking place September 15th this year. For those of you who do not know the recent events, I was in Sydney for a late girls night for my 50th birthday. Rushing for my plane back to Adelaide I got really windedContinue reading “Reclaiming 6 kilometers”

Say What You Need to Say

It has been an interesting couple of weeks and I wanted to share some thoughts with you all. After finding my feet again with the experience of the hospital stay and recovery time, it has presented me with some interesting thoughts and a reflection or two. I had gotten so wrapped up in working (bloggingContinue reading “Say What You Need to Say”

Just Stuff, Nothing Special

Today I got the final clearance from the doctor after my time in the hospital from a collapsed lung. It feels like a weight has been lifted and I finally have my life back. Yes, everything has changed, and I need to start creating that new normal. I have to start from scratch in myContinue reading “Just Stuff, Nothing Special”

Defying Gravity Again

   Almost a year ago I wrote a post about one of the songs from the musical “Wicked” called Defying Gravity. I was trying to figure out who I was and where my life was going. Friends were coming and going from my life and I just wasn’t sure what was going on. So much self-doubt andContinue reading “Defying Gravity Again”

Fitness Wednesday

Once I had my girls I got stuck into life and did not take the time I should have to get healthy and   all. I used food for comfort and cooked how I was taught. I really did not notice the weight I gained and that it was starting to take effect on myContinue reading “Fitness Wednesday”